Sponsorship Matrix

Sponsorship contributions are broken out into levels. The matrix below provides a list of benefits sponsors will receive depending on the level to which they contribute. Thank-you for your continued support.


Sponsorship Level
Company Swag
Competition Awards
Cadet Third Officer Second Officer Chief Officer Master Mariner
Benefits TBD <$500 $500-$1499 $1500-$2999 $3000-$4999 $5000+
Acknowledgement at the Gala Awards Dinner for the contribution. Companies contributing swag and financial donations can present the awards in person at the Gala Awards dinner
Sponsor logo placed on marketing materials, on NSC website, and at MI on competition day
Invitation to Gala Awards Dinner
Invitation to Pre-Dinner Reception with students and MMC volunteers
Opportunity to announce internships, scholarships, job openings, and other opportunities to faculty and students in NSC’s newsletter and on MMC social media
Promote NSC/Sponsor relationship with joint PR opportunities throughout the competition
Opportunities to address student competitors with individualized sponsor messages
Logo displayed on dedicated section of NSC website
An oppportunity to address the students at the Gala Awards Dinner